Hazards of practicing with a free online numerical reasoning test in Brisbane

If you have been asked to take a psychometric test as part of a recruitment process in Brisbane, it’s safe to say that you have most probably practiced using a free numerical reasoning test that you found online. A quick Google search will turn up lots of links to a variety of websites that all display different types of psychometric practice tests, but the problem is that they might not be the type of questions that will be used by your potential employer.

As you can imagine, if you spend your valuable time practicing tests that are different to the ones that you are eventually faced with by your employer, you can become quite anxious and upset. You may then waste valuable time trying to re-orientate yourself to a new set of questions, resulting in a lower score because you wasted time feeling flustered and confused.

Why aren’t numerical reasoning tests all the same?

Life would be much simpler if every numerical reasoning test was the same in Brisbane. Unfortunately however, many of these tests have the same names, but the questions are totally different, because they measure different aspects of your numerical thinking.

Knowing that all of these tests are not the same gives you a step up over other candidates who may be unaware that they are practicing the wrong psychometric tests. How are these tests different?

You might find that one numerical reasoning test will use graphs and figures and another use number sequences and simple mathematics, such as percentages and fractions. Knowing which type of test you may be faced with will make your practice sessions much more valuable and effective. If you are very good at numerical reasoning then you might not be worried about being faced with different types of questions, but for most candidates, these differences can be the difference between a high and a low score.

How can you ensure you practice the right tests?

Short of asking the recruiters what type of questions they will be using for their numerical reasoning test in Brisbane, the best way to make sure you are practicing the right type of questions is to speak to a professional consultant or access a professional website.

Contact Urban Psychometrics on 07 3535 1220 or send us an email to find out more about using numerical reasoning tests in recruitment drives.