pre employment test

What are the most commonly used pre employment tests?

Using a pre employment assessment is fairly common practice during a recruitment process, because they help employers to find the right person for the job. Candidates also benefit from these recruitment tests, because when they are offered a position, they know that it’s one that is well suited to their personality and skill set.

Pre employment testing also offers a certain level of objectivity to the recruitment process, which is an essential component of every campaign. They also help employers to deal with large numbers of potential candidates by ranking them based on a number of factors, one of which can be the results of these tests.

So what type of pre employment assessment might be included in your recruitment process?

Personality tests

These tests help employers to decide if a candidate is a good fit for their company or organisation. A personality test is a frequently used recruitment test, as it demonstrates how an individual would behave in a variety of different scenarios.

Employers often use a personality test focused on work preferences that measures how well an individual works in a team and how much satisfaction they gain from their work. Emotional intelligence is also another type of personality test that demonstrates how well the candidate manages their own and other’s emotions in the workplace. There are no right or wrong answers to this type of pre employment testing, as all results will be compared to the personality profile of the employer’s ‘ideal’ candidate.

Aptitude tests

These type of pre employment assessments are designed to measure a candidate’s ability to perform certain tasks in the workplace. They rely more on natural aptitude or abilities than on experience or knowledge; the three types of aptitude tests focus on different aspects of the candidate’s abilities.

The verbal reasoning recruitment test is concerned with how the candidate interprets and passes-on written information and data. The abstract reasoning test is concerned with how well they can identify patterns and trends in images and use this information to solve problems, and the numerical reasoning test is concerned with how well they interpret and pass-on information gleaned from graphs, numbers and statistics.

One or more of these tests may be included in the pre employment testing process, depending on the requirements of the role and the employers preferences. For more information on including a pre employment assessment in your recruitment drive, call Urban Psychometrics on 07 35351220 or send us an email.