Should you include a cognitive ability test in your pre-employment testing?

In pre-employment testing, there are many important questions that need to be answered, which can’t easily be resolved during an interview. Of course, you can ask a candidate how quickly they can learn new tasks, but until they are actually put into a situation where they need to learn new tasks, you won’t really know how well they will do.

This is why in Perth, we include a cognitive ability test in our pre-employment assessments, allowing us to elicit a whole range of critical aptitudes from your candidates, which are essential to you as a company.

What are the benefits of using a cognitive ability test for Perth businesses?

Also known as general metal ability, an employee’s cognitive ability indicates how well they will learn new skills, respond to training and solve complex problems. A pre-employment assessment that includes some element of cognitive ability testing, has been shown to clearly predict the future performance of new candidates.

In fact, a cognitive ability test has been shown to be more predictive of work performance than either experience, qualifications or references. Which, if you still limit yourself to the ‘old-school’ type of pre-employment testing, means that you are quite possibly, not hiring the best employees for your business.

Including cognitive ability tests into your recruitment process will in the end, save you money in hiring and training people who turn out to be unsuitable for their roles. These tests are quick and easy to use and will identify the top performing candidates out of your pool of applicants.

Finally, one of the features of cognitive ability tests that appeals to many businesses in Perth is that it removes any bias from the recruitment process, and it works equally well for simple, as well as highly complex roles. In fact, for a multi-level role that requires a complex set of skills and the ability to problem solve on the fly, a cognitive ability test is just about essential.

For more information on how you can include a cognitive ability test in your Perth based recruitment campaign, get in touch today or contact Urban Psychometrics in Brisbane on 07 3535 1220 for more information.

Does intelligence predict a positive work performance?

It might be fair to say that most employers use a recruitment test that looks for a certain level of intelligence in their new employees, considering this an excellent characteristic in their staff. The problem is that intelligence alone doesn’t predict a positive work performance.

At Urban Psychometrics in Brisbane, we believe that an employee needs other personality characteristics, apart from intelligence, such as integrity, in order to keep their employer’s best interests at the forefront of their working day. For example, an employee who is intelligent, but who has low integrity and doesn’t have the best interests of their employers in mind is an employee who steals, who is argumentative with other employees or who doesn’t always play by the rules.

So whilst intelligence is necessary, an employee also needs other cognitive abilities, such as integrity and a willingness to work as a team, to ensure that they are suitable candidates for your business.

Using a cognitive ability test to screen candidates

One of the strongest predictors of work performance has been shown to be the cognitive ability test. In Brisbane, we use this type of recruitment test for all of our clients, and it has proven to be consistently accurate in predicting the value of a candidate to an employer.

This type of test has been shown to identify how quickly a candidate will fit in with your existing team, by predicting whether they are a team player, can think on their feet and fix problems on the fly, will sail through their initial training, as well as working towards the best interests of the company.

Using a range of psychometric and cognitive assessments, we can tailor a package of recruitment tests specifically for your business and the role you need filled. These tests will determine each candidate’s level of integrity, so that combined with high intelligence, you can employ staff that will help to grow your business well into the future.

We explain why we have chosen each of the assessments, keep you fully informed during the entire process and provide detailed reports of each candidate’s progress.

If you want to avoid employing the wrong people for your company, get in touch today or contact Urban Psychometrics in Brisbane on 07 3535 1220 for more information.

Five key stages in the recruitment and pre-employment testing process

Many small businesses jump straight into the recruitment and pre-employment testing process without a clear idea of their needs. This makes hiring the right person more like a gamble, because with no clear job description for your new employee, they can become frustrated in their work, feeling unsupported and let down by their employer.

So let’s take a look at the key steps involved in the recruitment process, ensuring that you hire the right person for the job every time.

  1. What do you need? To successfully employ someone to fill a specific role in your organisation, you must know what you need. This involves looking at your current business goals and your available resources and crafting a job description for your new employee. It is not good form to keep adding tasks to an employee’s full time load, simply because you didn’t fully understand the role yourself, before starting the recruitment and pre-employment testing process.
  2. Write the job description: If possible, ask for input from other staff members when you are putting together the job description. This description must clearly outline the employee’s responsibilities and tasks, their hours of work and remuneration, and who they report to within your organisation.
  3. Selection criteria: Once you have the job description written, you can now make a list of the competency skills, experience and personal attributes of the new employee. You also need to select the people who will be on the selection panel. This is also the point where you can decide on the type of pre-employment testing you will include in the selection process, giving due consideration to psychometric testing to ensure that you find the right person for the role.
  4. Advertising the job: You will need to craft an advertisement for the job, identify the most suitable mechanisms to advertise for candidates, prepare the marketing tools and distribute these materials in a timely manner.
  5. Screening and selection process: This is where you initially screen applicants with the aim of creating a shortlist of suitable candidates. The pre-employment testing and psychometric testing you utilise at this stage of the process will ensure that the person you select is the best person for the job.

For more information on using pre-employment testing and psychometric testing in your recruitment process, get in touch today and call us on 07 3535 1220.

The cost of ignoring a pre-employment assessment

Do you make use of a pre-employment assessment in your recruitment drives? Many businesses agree that one of the biggest impacts on their revenue and profits is the quality of their staff. Recruit the right employees and your profits can soar, recruit the wrong employees and your profits can drop substantially.

Of course, the solution is to recruit the best employees. This however, is not always feasible, because the recruitment process doesn’t always include the appropriate tools to identify the right candidates for the position. The solution is to use a pre-employment assessment that allows you to not only examine their background, history, qualifications and experience, but also their suitability for the role.

If you are still unsure whether a pre-employment assessment is a suitable addition to your recruitment process, let’s take a look at the consequences of continuing to interview candidates using your current recruitment model.

The cost of hiring the wrong person for the role

When you take into consideration the overall costs of the recruitment process, all of the advertising and all of the hours spent on interviews, these costs add up to a significant sum. Normally, you would simply absorb these costs, because they are an integral part of the employment process.

When a few months later you finally realise that this person was not really suitable for the role, you also realise how much money you have wasted on the recruitment process. If you have spent even more money on training this person for their role, then as you can appreciate, even more money has been wasted.

All of this money could have been spent hiring the right person for the position, if you had used a pre-employment assessment during the recruitment process. Don’t forget that apart from the money spent on recruitment and training, there is also the impact on your other employees who have had to either take up the slack or work around someone who is not up to their job. This can have long term effects on employee morale, with a knock-on effect on your profits.

For more information on how a pre-employment assessment can help your company employ the right people at the right time, get in touch today and call us on 07 3535 1220.

Lessons learned: How a background check and a personality assessment avoids hiring the wrong people

In today’s market place, competition for jobs, particularly those for professional positions is high. This gives businesses the upper hand, but one bad choice can put you two steps back instead of one step forward. This is why managers are taking advantage of a psychometric personality assessment and avoiding a disaster in the making.

 Why is a psychometric assessment in Sydney important?

It is not only the misrepresentation of qualifications and experience that is the problem, but an increasing awareness that some people are simply not suited for certain roles. Trying to identify the best candidate for a high level position can be very difficult, particularly when the position requires qualities that are sometimes difficult to gauge at an interview.

This is why more and more managers are using a psychometric personality assessment, in addition to the usual checks, to enable them to hire the right person for the job. By incorporating a psychometric personality assessment, managers are able to identify candidates that possess the personality characteristics necessary to succeed in the role. As experts in psychometric testing in recruitment, we know how important it is to hire people with not only the right qualifications and experience, but also the right personality fit for the job. This is why we have developed five simple steps any hiring manager can take to make the best selection decisions and avoid hiring the wrong person for the job.

5 ways to avoid disaster in the recruitment process

Selecting the right people can be as easy as following these 5 simple steps.

  1. Assess personality fit: Administer a personality assessment to measure the personality traits that are important for successful performance in the role. A psychometric assessment in Sydney can be administered in person or online.
  2. Check qualifications: It is well known that occasionally people lie about their qualifications, so the simple solution is to check their qualifications and make sure they are legitimate.
  3. Check experience: Talk about their experience, as qualifications alone do not equal experience. Probe for evidence of their previous performance by asking for examples of how they dealt with specific situations in the past.
  4. Check references: Always contact the candidate’s references and have a frank conversation about how well the candidate fit into their company and performed in their role.
  5. Check social media: As well as a psychometric personality assessment, many employers are now using social media to gain a more complete picture of a candidate’s character!

For assistance with psychometric assessment in Sydney and across Australia, get in touch today and call us on 07 3535 1220.

Pre-employment testing and how employers are recruiting in 2017

Recruitment and pre-employment testing have always been hot topics, however the way companies recruit new employees in 2017 has begun to change. Whilst a recruitment test is still used, it is more focussed on psychometric testing, ensuring that employees are psychologically suitable for a specific role, rather than simply qualified for the job.

Of course, this pre-employment testing can’t take place until candidates are identified. So whilst the actual testing has changed from a simple recruitment test to one that focuses on a candidate’s personal attributes, the way these candidates are found has also evolved accordingly.

Many companies might still use the age old strategies of advertising in print media, but more often than not, they use the internet to advertise for new employees.

Job Boards: These are still used by many businesses for recruitment purposes, as they allow people to upload their resumes and apply for jobs online. This brings both the employer and the potential employee together, and whilst pre-employment testing is still a necessity, the recruitment process is streamlined and more efficient.

Company Websites: This is one of the easiest ways for a large company to find suitable employees. A company can advertise one or more vacancies on their website and people can apply online, cutting the time spent on the recruitment process. Psychometric testing and a recruitment test are still required, but a business can save a significant amount of money by advertising on their own website.

LinkedIn: A new entrant to the job market, LinkedIn has become one of the most important recruitment platforms for finding new employees for professional positions. LinkedIn enables companies to easily source new candidates by advertising their vacancies on the site, followed up by suitable pre-employment testing. With nearly 400 million users worldwide, LinkedIn is not only a popular social network, but has become a major player in the recruitment industry.

Social Recruiting: You might not realise it, but both Facebook and Twitter have a role to play in the recruitment process. Many companies actually hire people via these two social platforms and with hundreds of millions of users logging on every day, social media recruiting is set to become a growing trend in 2017.

If you want help with using psychometric based pre-employment testing for your recruitment process, get in touch today and call us on 07 3535 1220.

Using psychometrics in Brisbane to maximise safe workplace behaviour

At Urban Psychometrics in Brisbane and Melbourne, we have found that including an assessment of a candidate’s risk taking behaviour, greatly maximises a business’s ability to employ people who are responsible and avoid taking unnecessary risks.

This doesn’t mean that you will employ staff who are risk adverse and unimaginative, because at Urban Psychometrics in Melbourne and Brisbane, we recognise that the ability to take a leap of faith, to be creative and to be innovative are all positive qualities for many employers. What an employer needs however, is for employees to work within the workplace health and safety parameters and to effectively promote safe working behaviours at all times.

The problem is that some people are more likely to injure themselves at work or to be more complacent about safety issues than others. If employers can identify these traits in prospective employees using psychometrics, in Brisbane and Melbourne, as well as across Australia, they can actively streamline their selection processes.

Costs of workplace accidents in Australia

Safe Work Australia has shown that work related injuries and illnesses were estimated to cost $60.6 billion in the financial year ending 2009. Even more alarmingly, a typical compensation claim for a serious injury involves 4 weeks of sick leave and 25% of these require 12 weeks or more off work.

Clearly, reducing the incidence of workplace related injuries is vital for all concerned, which is why we offer an additional component to the usual psychometrics in Brisbane and Melbourne that will identify these safety risk factors in prospective employees.

What safety attributes can we identify in psychometric testing?

The ideal employee looks to both their own and their team mates safety and follows all safety procedures in the workplace. They avoid taking unnecessary risks, recognise the signs and consequences of fatigue or hazardous behaviours, and can recognise and report safety issues quickly.

These traits are easily identified using our expertise in psychometrics. In Melbourne, Brisbane and throughout Australia, we have many clients who have successfully incorporated these safety risk factors into their pre-employment assessments and are already reaping the benefits.

If you are interested in including safety testing in your next recruitment round, call us on 07 3535 1220 or complete our online enquiry form and get in touch today!

Why do we promote cognitive ability tests at Urban Psychometrics in Brisbane?

A cognitive ability test measures how well candidates comprehend instructions, sum up a situation and solve problems in the workplace. These cognitive tests help organisations to employ staff who are eminently suited for their role and for the challenges they may face in the workplace.

What is cognitive ability?

Cognitive ability is concerned with how well a person performs a variety of mental tasks, such as thinking, remembering, understanding and problem solving. In reality, your cognitive ability is not concerned with how much you know (it is not an IQ test), but with well how you carry out tasks, from the simple to the more complex. It is your reasoning, not your knowledge that is measured in a cognitive ability test.

Why use a cognitive ability test in psychometrics?

In Brisbane, we have found that identifying candidates with a satisfactory capacity for these metal tasks ensures that your employees are able to follow instructions and procedures, solve problems in the workplace, sum up situations and make sound decisions. Clear thinking employees – from operators to managers – help avoid ‘silly mistakes’ and poor choices that leave you frustrated with lost time and inefficiencies.

What is different about Urban Psychometrics in Brisbane?

The types of cognitive ability required for different jobs and situations differ greatly – our Psychometrics team can work with you to make sure that you use the right assessment tools for your circumstances. They can even develop profiles of the ‘perfect’ worker for different roles in your industry.

Did you know?

Cognitive ability is known to be the single best predictor of success at work – regardless of the job. [Source: Schmidt & Hunter, 2004]. This is why it is important to include a cognitive ability test in your pre-employment assessments, ensuring that you employ the best person for a specific role, every time.

At Urban Psychometrics in Brisbane, we include verbal and numerical assessments, as well as abstract reasoning in our cognitive ability tests.

Assessment What is measured? Business outcome
Verbal assessment
  • Ability to understand concepts
  • Ability to comprehend meaning
  • Vocabulary and basic word skills
  • Understanding of rules and procedures
  • Literacy

  • Accidents
  • Injuries
  • Lost time
  • Mistakes
  • Poor decisions
  • Errors of judgement


  • Efficiency
  • Performance
Numerical assessment
  • Basic mathematics ability
  • Ability to solve problems using numbers
Abstract reasoning
  • Problem solving ability
  • Ability to think clearly and make sense of complexity
  • Ability to remember and reproduce information


Why not get in touch today and find out how to include a cognitive ability test in your next round of pre-recruitment psychometrics in Brisbane. Call us on 07 3535 1220 or complete our online enquiry form.

Increase employee retention rates in 2017 with a pre-employment assessment

Have you ever been perplexed by an employee who just doesn’t perform to his or her potential? You know they can do better – and you’re paying them handsomely – but they don’t seem to have their heart in the job. It’s quite likely they’re not being stimulated by the work and may be dissatisfied. In fact, research has found that the key to keeping people satisfied, working hard, and motivated to stick around, is not always the money and benefits, but how well the employee’s interests align with their employer.

People have different interests and have different reasons for doing – or not doing – things. If you want to get the best from your people, you need to appeal to their passion and enthusiasm. But first, you need to find out what makes them tick! You can tap into this early, by incorporating pre-employment assessment into your next selection process.

Pre-employment assessment helps companies remain competitive

With most managers wanting to hire the very best employees, research indicates that you need to look further than just remuneration and benefits to remain competitive. Pre-employment assessments can provide information about what elements and/or types of work lead people to put more or less effort into their work, gain more or less satisfaction from their work and ultimately achieve better or worse outcomes and outputs.

Interests and motivation questionnaires help to understand:

  • What drives people and keeps them energised – and for how long?
  • In what situations and environments are people likely to perform at their best?
  • What types of tasks appeal – or don’t appeal – to different people?
  • What rewards motivate your people?

At Urban Psychometrics, we know how difficult it can be sometimes to find the right people for the right job and to keep them motivated to stick around. That is why we include interests and motivation questionnaires as part of our pre-employment assessment offerings.

Take the guess work out of your next hire and find out what drives your people to perform at their best and keeps them motivated to stick around.

The benefits of using psychometrics in your recruitment process

Most of us have experienced working with someone who appeared to fit all of the criteria at the interview, but over time proven they were not as suitable as we had hoped. Without a crystal ball, there is nothing we can do to ensure with 100% certainty, that a candidate will be a perfect fit for the role. But, we can sway the odds, and significantly increase the chances of selecting a ‘gem’, through the inclusion of psychometrics.

Psychometrics are designed to make selection decisions much easier and more objective, by giving you the means to identify the fit between the individual and your business culture. Together with a well-designed interview process, this additional step can have a profound effect on your business – helping you to select employees whose values and interests align with your business.

Let’s take a look at some of the real world benefits of including psychometrics in your recruitment process.

  • Reduce costs associated with hiring the “wrong” people
  • Gather extensive information about candidates in a short time
  • Generate an above average pool of applicants on which to base your decisions
  • Identify the candidates that will add the greatest value to your business
  • Identify those with the greatest potential and “can do, will do” attitude who will comfortably integrate into your business
  • Gain specific insight into the development needs of candidates
  • More accurately predict an individual’s job performance

Please contact us today if you need any further information.

How can psychometric assessment help your employee selection process?

Psychometric assessment is designed to make your employee selection process flow more efficiently, and to help you select candidates who are suitable for a prescribed role.

While qualifications and experience are always going to be a large part of your selection process, the likelihood of selecting the most suitable candidate can be enhanced by incorporating pre-employment assessment.

Pre-employment assessment helps to measure a candidate’s fit with your business and their aptitude for the role. Together with an effective interview process, you can ensure the most suitable combination of skills, knowledge, abilities and personality traits to achieve your business goals.

Why is psychometric assessment important?

Far too often employers recruit candidates because they look good on paper, or because they have they have the ‘gift of the gab’ come interview time – only to discover, after time on the job, that they are not really suitable. This mismatch causes problems for both the employer and for the employee. However, this is the type of problem psychometric assessment can help to prevent. Pre-employment assessment objectively measures how well a candidate’s personality and cognitive abilities match the required role – giving you more certainty in your hires and saving you the cost of selection errors.

The best type of employee for your business has the qualifications and experience for the role, as well as the aptitude to cope with the role demands, and personality to fit with your businesses culture. Taking the step to truly pre-qualify candidates and match them to specific job positions in your business, helps you as the employer as well as the employee.

As an employer, psychometric assessment provides you with the added confidence that a new member of staff is more likely to integrate smoothly into your business and perform competently in their role. A well suited candidate is likely to ‘hit the road running’, giving your business the edge it requires. From the employee’s point of view, a pre-employment assessment helps to ensure an easy transition into their new role. Finding a job that seems to be a perfect fit means they are likely to feel appreciated, happy and part of the team.

Including psychometric assessment in your next selection process is one of the most objective ways you can identify candidate suitability and start building the best possible team for your business. After all, growth relies on finding the right people and pre-employment assessment is simply a tool to help you get there.

New website launched!

We’ve got a brand new website, with amazing new features and a fresh design!

The website covers our assessment process as well as how we help small businesses make better people decisions through greater access to psychometric tools and insights.

We plan to keep our website content up-to-date by creating new blog articles, reviewing services and contact details frequently.

We’re excited to have a platform that reaches people globally and to be able to help small businesses through providing an understanding that allows their venture to grow from the people inside their business!

Please contact us to let us know what you think!